Making : a baby quilt for one of my college roommates (two of them are pregnant right now! Finished one, now just one to go...)
Cooking : lime marinated chicken, rice, corn pudding and rajas
Drinking : Talley Oliver's Vineyard chardonnay
Reading: Oh god... I hate to admit this one... New Moon (from The Twilight Saga)
Wanting: a BOB stroller
Looking: at Jay Leno
Playing: with these Martha Stewart Tissue Pom Poms (made some for this week's dinner party and I don't want to take them down!)
Wasting: time by watching television when I should be folding laundry...
Sewing: the baby quilt mentioned above.
Wishing: there were more hours in the day
Enjoying: my clean(ish) house!
Waiting: for my hubby to get home from work
Liking: these Cavallini papers
Wondering: when i'm going to find the time to finally finish folding the 3 loads of laundry piled up in my bedroom
Loving: these butterfly collages
Hoping: that it cools down soon (105 degrees today!)
Marvelling: at how fast Ash is growing!!
Needing: a new car
Smelling: corn pudding. Mmmmm...
Wearing: shorts and a tanktop (Forever 21, even though I'm 30...)
Following: politics. Closely.
Noticing: how much I miss my baby when he is sleeping!
Knowing: that he will wake up between 6:15 and 6:30 tomorrow morning
Thinking: of what Ash will be for Halloween... Yoda? Charlie Brown?
Opening: the newest issue of Mothering Magazine (and feeling a little guilty for weaning...)
Giggling: over this baby video.
Feeling: tired
More later... No, really, I mean it!